With the Andes mountain range splitting into three and covering a vast portion of the country, there are no shortage of roads to ride. Colombia is the breeding ground for some of the world’s best climbers. Patrocinio Jimenez and Lucho Herrera in the past. And now the new peloton of superstars with Nairo Quintana,Esteban Chavez, Rigoberto Urán and Sebastián Henao (and recently Egan Bernal) at the forefront. Our mountains are the perfect setting for youngsters with a dream to become world icons.

Some of our iconic climbs aren’t as steep as the ones in Europe, but are longer and at a higher altitude. The mythical Tourmalet crests at 2115 meters above sea level, while most of our rides start at that altitude, with an average gradient of about 6%. We even have the world’s longest climb, the Alto de Letras. An 81 km monster that starts at 500 meters above sea level and summits at 3677. It’s a must do for any cyclist. If you want a shorter but harder punch our tours can take you to Climbs suchs as Choachi and Pacho where the inclination goes to 20% in some stretches and if you’re into less climbing the Bogotá and Boyacá plateaus and the Magdalena Valley offer many roads to grab some speed.


Twice Andes road bike tour

This tour combines a diverse and balanced mix of guided great road cycling routes around Colombia’s two main mountain ranges.

Coffee Region road bike tour

Ride and discover the rich cultural and natural heritage of the famous Coffee Region of Colombia with Bike Colombia in the Coffee Region Road Bike Tour

Letras road bike tour

Join the Letras Cycling Tour, tackle the famous longest climb in the world, and live a full cycling adventure with all the support and planning from Bike Colombia.

Altitude training camp Colombia

Train like a pro and get the best benefits of altitude in the tropics. Train like a pro and get the best benefits of altitude in the tropics. Train like a pro and get the best benefits of altitude in the tropics. Train where the best climbers in the world train...